Need to brush up on your understanding of Protected Areas? The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) by the University of British Columbia (UBC) on ‘Forests and Livelihoods in Developing Countries‘ in Module 3 of the course focuses on Protected Areas Conservation. Module 3 covers: an introduction to Protected Areas Conservation, Ecological Challenges to Protected Areas, Governance Challenges to Protected Areas and New Directions in Protected Areas Management.
Signing up is free. It may now be too late to get recognition for the earlier weeks’ quizzes, but still plenty to learn and take away from it. Three cross-cutting themes (gender, tenure and forest rights, and climate change) will span all of the modules. The course does not have pre-requisites, though “background knowledge in forestry, international development, and environmental issues will be beneficial”.
Note: CSVPA is not related to this course, but shares it for the benefit of its members due to the area of focus of the course. If you are aware of any other suitable sources to share, please do get in touch.