PARKS The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation
The latest issue of PARKS has just been released.
This issue includes papers related to protected area governance including: a new framework for advancing equity in the context of protected area conservation; a paper outlining the history and context of the development of the Global Registry of Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Territories and Areas; and a site-based overview of how collaborative governance has improved the management effectiveness of Hin Nam No National Protected Area in central Lao PDR.
Two other papers also review site experiences. One from Ikh Nart Nature Reserve in Mongolia details how the site was transformed from a “paper park” to a model protected area, the other focuses on the challenges balancing conservation and development in Nepal’s protected area buffer zones. The final paper in this issue provides the results of a 40-country survey on ranger insurance schemes which highlighted major gaps in health, life and long-term disability insurance for protected area front-line staff.
Along with an editorial on how IUCN and WCPA are delivering the Promise of Sydney, the ambitious action plan from the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, this issue provides a wide range of articles of interest to all those involved in conservation and protected areas.
The deadline for papers for the next issue (23.1 due out in March in 2017) is 31st December 2016. If you are considering submitting a paper, check the authors guidelines.