From Friday 10 - Sunday 12 May, 2019, a Spring weekend conference is being organised (independent of CSVPA, but sharing here as our readers might find the subject matter of... read more →
PanNature is working to gain legal recognition of thousands of sacred forests in Vietnam as part of the national protected area system through revisions to the Forest Protection (2017) and... read more →
CSVPA readers may be interested in the Call for Abstracts for the next issue of Langscape Magazine: Volume 7, Issue 2, Winter (Northern Hemisphere) 2018, on the theme “Nourishing Body and Soul: The... read more →
According to a soon to be published book by CSVPA-member John Studley “Since time immemorial indigenous people have engaged in legal relationships with other-than-human-persons (OTHP) on the basis of contractual... read more →
'Cornered by Protected Areas' is a new report led by Victoria Tauli-Corpuz on replacing 'Fortress' Conservation with Rights-based Approaches to help bring justice for Indigenous Peoples and local communities (who... read more →
The Special Issue of PARKS The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation focuses on 'Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures' (OECMs) is now available here The Special Issue provides an overview... read more →
CSVPA member John Studley has had an article published which CSVPA-interested readers may find of interest. According the summary, "[t]he recognition that ‘other-than-human’ persons can be legal subjects has previously... read more →
Gran Canaria, Spain, on 23-24 May 2018 hosted the UNESCO International Expert Meeting on Astronomical Heritage and Sacred Places. The meeting aimed to establish and identify the links that exist... read more →
Sacred natural sites (SNS) are found all over the world. They are thought to play an important role in conservation but until recently there was little systematic investigation of this... read more →
From 18-22 April 2018, the UNESCO Regional Thematic Expert Consultation meeting on sustainable management of World Heritage properties of Religious Interest took place in Yerevan, Armenia. This was the first... read more →