“We nourish what we love” New guidance for the management and governance of protected and conserved areas “We nourish what we love” is a much-heard phrase. It often holds true... read more →
It's time to start thinking about contributing to the next issue of 'Culture for Nature' - the CSVPA newsletter. Please send in contributions by the 20th of October 2019 to radhika.borde@gmail.com. Please also send pictures accompanying... read more →
Those interested in the work of CSVPA, may be interested in a new short film on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation by the SCB Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group and... read more →
CSVPA long-standing member Edmund Barrow has had a new book published which CSVPA members may find of interest. Edmund emphasizes local learning in terms of governance, empowerment, benefit sharing, natural... read more →
PARKS, the International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation is published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) expert World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). PARKS aims to... read more →
With thanks to CSVPA member Mark Infield, people can now access the training materials for Fauna & Flora International’s short course: Culture in Conservation. The course examines the changing role of values... read more →
The IUCN Protected Area Governance and Management Book has been launched today - 27 May 2015 - at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, in the presence of HE... read more →
A new book, 'Transboundary Conservation: A systematic and integrated approach', has been published within a Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series of the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). It... read more →