“We nourish what we love” New guidance for the management and governance of protected and conserved areas “We nourish what we love” is a much-heard phrase. It often holds true... read more →
CSVPA member Radhika Borde and colleagues (in a non-CSVPA context) are inviting potential authors to submit abstracts to be considered for a book provisionally entitled ‘Case Studies in the Conservation... read more →
Readers of this website may be interested in a webinar presentation for REVIVE eCoexist that Dr Edwin Bernbaum, CSVPA Co-Chair, did recently on “Conserving Sacred Mountains: Badrinath and Mt. Kailas,”... read more →
A young film maker who originated from the village of Vovoussa in Eastern Zagori, Erirus, NW Greece (Northern Pindos National Park) made a film about the sacred forest of her... read more →
Who has not felt a sense of awe, silence, stillness, and presence in an ancient woodland or forest or in front of a sacred tree? Humankind has held trees and... read more →
It's time to start thinking about contributing to the next issue of 'Culture for Nature' - the CSVPA newsletter. Please send in contributions by the 20th of October 2019 to radhika.borde@gmail.com. Please also send pictures accompanying... read more →
CSVPA-member Érika Fernandes-Pinto (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio/MMA), Assessoria da Coordenação Geral de Gestão Socioambiental (CGSAM/DISAT)) focuses on 'Projeto Sítios Naturais Sagrados do Brasil' and recently started... read more →
Those interested in the work of CSVPA, may be interested in a new short film on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation by the SCB Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group and... read more →
PanNature is working to gain legal recognition of thousands of sacred forests in Vietnam as part of the national protected area system through revisions to the Forest Protection (2017) and... read more →
According to a soon to be published book by CSVPA-member John Studley “Since time immemorial indigenous people have engaged in legal relationships with other-than-human-persons (OTHP) on the basis of contractual... read more →