Gran Canaria, Spain, on 23-24 May 2018 hosted the UNESCO International Expert Meeting on Astronomical Heritage and Sacred Places. The meeting aimed to establish and identify the links that exist... read more →
Sacred natural sites (SNS) are found all over the world. They are thought to play an important role in conservation but until recently there was little systematic investigation of this... read more →
The US/ ICOMOS have a call for papers for their upcoming symposium on 'Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey, Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World'. The event takes place... read more →
CSVPA member Helen Schneider has edited a volume of Oryx Journal focussing on Cultural Values to which quite a few more CSVPA members contributed. Specific articles articles people interested in... read more →
The Culture, Spirituality and Conservation Photo Exhibition presented by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) Theme on Culture, Spirituality... read more →
UN Environment, in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the International Institute on Environment and Development (IIED), recently launched a report proposing more action and... read more →
CSVPA visitors may be interested in the news that an Interfaith Rainforest Initiative was launched in Oslo, Norway, on 19 June 2017. In a first-of-its-kind summit, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu and... read more →
Almost seven years after the third workshop of The Delos Initiative, held in Inari, Northern Finland, the forth workshop took... read more →
CSVPA would like to draw your attention to the upcoming 9th World Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership in Shenzhen, China (11-15 December 2017) with as overarching theme “Ecosystem Services... read more →
The latest issue of PARKS has just been released. This issue includes papers related to protected area... read more →