A team of our Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas orqanised a workshop on Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Nature in Protected Area Management and Governance... read more →
On Monday, 9 February 2015 from 09:30 to 16:30 (GMT), the IUCN National Committee UK will organise a one day conference on Protected Areas: Implications of the Global Agenda in... read more →
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) has published a thought-provoking article on protected areas, triggered by last month's World Parks Congress, entitled 'Ensuring equitable management of protected areas:... read more →
(as reported by CSVPA's Radhika Borde) CSVPA has had a major presence at the 2014 Sydney World Parks Congress! It has organized two workshops at which protected area managers, indigenous... read more →
Report says invasive species, tourism, poaching, dams and logging ost pressing threats but climate change may eclipse all. The IUCN World Heritage Outlook, released at the World Parks Congress in Sydney, found... read more →
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-20, framed by Parties to the CBD at the 10th Conference of Parties in 2010, outlines an ambitious roadmap towards halting and reversing biodiversity loss... read more →
We are very pleased to hereby share with you the new CSVPA newsletter Culture for Nature. Many thanks to Radhika Border for her excellent editing and to Fiona Wilton for... read more →
Taking place in Sydney Australia in November this year, the IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) happens every ten years and sets the agenda for protected areas planning, management and governance... read more →
To build and share excitement in the months leading up to the World Parks Congress (WPC) in Sydney, Australia in November 2014, and to really showcase the amazing work of... read more →