HOME Forums Cultural & Spiritual Nature Programme WCC 2016 event: Workshop 10217 – From Rhetoric to Reality

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    Everyone is invited to attend a workshop entitled “From Rhetoric to Reality: Exploring Laws, Customary Governance and No-Go Area Policies for the Protection of Sacred Natural Sites” at the World Conservation Congress (WCC) 2016 in Honolulu. The summary of the workshop is as follows:

    From mountains to rivers, forest groves to coral reefs – sacred natural sites “connect the dots” between biodiversity conservation, ecosystem integrity, cultural heritage and climate mitigation. We invite you to learn from successful strategies for protecting indigenous sacred natural sites and territories, from Hawai’i, Altai, Mongolia, Uganda, Benin, USA, Myanmar and other stunning bio-cultural land and seascapes, and contribute to shifting the discourse to effective policy and practice.

    If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please take note of the following:

    What: Workshop 10217 – “From Rhetoric to Reality: Exploring Laws, Customary Governance and No-Go Area Policies for the Protection of Sacred Natural Sites”
    When: Sunday, September 4, 2016, 11:00-13:00
    Where: Room 315
    Link: https://portals. iucn.org/congress/session/10217
    Stage Language: English
    Focal Point: Fiona Wilton

    If you wish to coordinate with others regarding this event, or if you wish to pose questions or comments about this event, please feel free to post replies to this announcement. We look forward to seeing everyone there!


    The workshop featured the participation of 22 indigenous leaders, along with their translators, and members of the CSVPA, WCPA, WCEL, and Christensen Fund. The room was open to the general WCC attendees, and hosted presentations and an active question-and-answer session on the workshop goals of developing appreciation and approaches for treatment of indigenous sacred sites. Main speakers included:

    Buyanbadrakh Erdenetsogt
    Caleen Sisk
    Simon Ndanco Mitambo
    Patricia Gualinga
    Dorothy Firecloud
    Margret Byarufu Kagole
    Appolinaire Oussou Lio
    Daniil Mamyev


    Outcomes of the workshop included:

    1) announcement and invitation for feedback on development of a Toolkit for Protecting Sacred Natural Sites (hosted by the Sacred Lands Film Project at: Sacred Lands Film Project: Toolkit for Protecting Sacred Natural Sites

    2) IUCN Motion 26 resolving the concept of “no-go” areas in which there should be no development activity (full text available at: IUCN Motion 026 )


    a record of the votes on all the motions is available at: WCC Vote Results

    there is also a summary of the workshop stream written by Jessica Abbe at Earth Island Journal entitled Long Journey to a More Righteous Shore

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