Report says invasive species, tourism, poaching, dams and logging ost pressing threats but climate change may eclipse all. The IUCN World Heritage Outlook, released at the World Parks Congress in Sydney, found... read more →
Some of you may be interested in a just-published book Stan Stevens (Senior Lecturer in Geography, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA) has edited, Indigenous Peoples, National Parks, and Protected Areas:... read more →
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-20, framed by Parties to the CBD at the 10th Conference of Parties in 2010, outlines an ambitious roadmap towards halting and reversing biodiversity loss... read more →
Source: Sonia Phalinkar for Deutsche Welle In a bid to protect the snow leopard, conservation groups are merging western and traditional approaches by teaming up with local monasteries, shamans and... read more →