With thanks to CSVPA member Mark Infield, people can now access the training materials for Fauna & Flora International’s short course: Culture in Conservation. The course examines the changing role of values... read more →
Some may find this video on protected areas in Mexico inspirational, helpful food for thought.
New article by CSVPA's own Bas Verschuuren, Earth Collective's Mathew Zylstra, Dhimurru's Balupalu Yunupingu and Gerard Verschoor from Wageningen University: Mixing Waters: A Cross Cultural Approach to developing Guidelines for Fishers... read more →
We hereby present Issue 3 of the CSVPA_Newsletter: Culture for Nature. Many thanks again to Radhika Borde and Fiona Wilton for their beautiful work in producing this issue. The newsletter... read more →
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is looking for a 'Chief Technical Adviser – Protected Area System Planning and Management Strengthening Expert'. Anyone reading this qualified? Would be good if... read more →
A team of our Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas orqanised a workshop on Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Nature in Protected Area Management and Governance... read more →
Need to brush up on your understanding of Protected Areas? The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) by the University of British Columbia (UBC) on 'Forests and Livelihoods in Developing Countries'... read more →
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) has published a thought-provoking article on protected areas, triggered by last month's World Parks Congress, entitled 'Ensuring equitable management of protected areas:... read more →
For the last three years PARKS has been a peer reviewed journal published by IUCN WCPA twice a year. It is the only journal focussed specifically on protected area management... read more →